Yet Another Roguelike Tutorial, Part 4

Publish date: Jul 18, 2023
Tags: godot4 tutorial roguelike

Part 4: Field of View

Welcome back to the roguelike tutorial series. This tutorial will continue from where the last one left off. You can find the previous tutorial here:

Last time we created a dungeon to explore, but we also noticed that it’s not that exciting to explore if you know where all the rooms are from the beginning (also those rooms are empty, but we’ll handle that next time, one thing at a time). So this time we are going to implement a field of view. We will do the classic fog of war approach. So we differentiate between areas we haven’t explored yet, which we won’t draw at all, and those areas we already know about, which we draw. In the areas we draw we differentiate between all the tiles we can see right now and those that we “remember” but can’t see. As is common in dungeon crawling we use a color scheme that invokes the image of the character carrying a torch, so the area we can see is “lit”, while the area we can’t see is “dark”. You maybe remember that we already set up our tiles with that terminology.

Speaking of that let’s start with the tiles. The original tutorial uses a big array keep track of what’s explored and what’s visible. But as this impacts mainly how we draw the tiles we will do all this in the Tile class, so the tiles themselves will keep track of their state and how that state should be visually represented. So go to and slightly change the _init() function:

func _init(grid_position: Vector2i, tile_definition: TileDefinition) -> void:
	visible = false
	centered = false
	position = Grid.grid_to_world(grid_position)

Here we just added one line: visible = false. This means that when a tile is created it won’t be drawn. And that’s what we want, as we haven’t explored most tiles in the beginning. We only want to draw the tile once it is explored. To keep track of that we add the following property:

var is_explored: bool = false:
		is_explored = value
		if is_explored and not visible:
			visible = true

is_explored starts out as false. Using the setter, whenever we set it to something we check if it is set to true and if the tile is not visible. If that’s the case, we set visible = true to show the tile. That way we reveal the tile the first time it is set to be explored. And it will be explored the first time it is in the field of view. That state is handled in the next property.

var is_in_view: bool = false:
		is_in_view = value
		modulate = _definition.color_lit if is_in_view else _definition.color_dark
		if is_in_view and not is_explored:
			is_explored = true

This is also a small break from the original tutorial, where this property is called “visible”. However, as Godot uses that name as a builtin property already, I can’t use it. These are the things you have to be mindful of when converting between languages/engines. This property also starts out as false. Whenever we set it, we do two additional things. The first is to change the modulate of the tile to the appropriate state. If the tile is_in_view we look up color_lit in _definition. Otherwise we look up color_dark. This here is the main reason I did not use a TileMap node, as each tile can better handle it’s own appearance. Apart from that if the tile is in the field of view but hasn’t been explored yet, we mark it as explored. We thereby will trigger the setter above, so the first time our field of view algorithm determines that a tile is in view this (small) cascade of functions will also reveal it.

Godot handles the rendering from there. We only need a way to determine if a tile is in the field of view or not, and set it appropriately. The original tutorial uses a function built into tcod. However, we have to code that ourself. Field of view will be within the responsibility of the Map, in our game scene add a new Node and call it FieldOfView. Attach a script it and save it at res://src/Map/ I am not clever enough to come up with some field of view calculations myself, so I went looking online. I found this C++ implementation of shadowcasting: Thankfully I am clever enough to convert it to GDScript. I hate to admit it, but I can’t fully explain what is going on in the following code. I myself have only a vague idea. I can only encourage you to read up on shadowcasting or other field of view algorithms online if it interests you. But for now let’s just be content to use this code as a tool to achieve our goals.

While most of the game uses vectors to represent positions, this algorithm goes from tile to tile, so it makes more sense to represent positions on the grid as separate x and y coordinates. To facilitate that we create a little wrapper function in

func get_tile_xy(x: int, y: int) -> Tile:
	var grid_position := Vector2i(x, y)
	return get_tile(grid_position)

This just wraps our existing tile access function. With that we are ready to add the following to

class_name FieldOfView
extends Node

const multipliers = [
	[1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1],
	[0, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0],
	[0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0],
	[1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1]

var _fov: Array[Tile] = []

func update_fov(map_data: MapData, origin: Vector2i, radius: int) -> void:
	var start_tile: Tile = map_data.get_tile(origin)
	start_tile.is_in_view = true
	_fov = [start_tile]
	for i in 8:
		_cast_light(map_data, origin.x, origin.y, radius, 1, 1.0, 0.0, multipliers[0][i], multipliers[1][i], multipliers[2][i], multipliers[3][i])

func _clear_fov() -> void:
	for tile in _fov:
		tile.is_in_view = false
	_fov = []

func _cast_light(map_data: MapData, x: int, y: int, radius: int, row: int, start_slope: float, end_slope: float, xx: int, xy: int, yx: int, yy: int) -> void:
	if start_slope < end_slope:
	var next_start_slope: float = start_slope
	for i in range(row, radius + 1):
		var blocked: bool = false
		var dy: int = -i
		for dx in range(-i, 1):
			var l_slope: float = (dx - 0.5) / (dy + 0.5)
			var r_slope: float = (dx + 0.5) / (dy - 0.5)
			if start_slope < r_slope:
			elif end_slope > l_slope:
			var sax: int = dx * xx + dy * xy
			var say: int = dx * yx + dy * yy
			if ((sax < 0 and absi(sax) > x) or (say < 0 and absi(say) > y)):
			var ax: int = x + sax
			var ay: int = y + say
			if ax >= map_data.width or ay >= map_data.height:
			var radius2: int = radius * radius
			var current_tile: Tile = map_data.get_tile_xy(ax, ay)
			if (dx * dx + dy * dy) < radius2:
				current_tile.is_in_view = true
			if blocked:
				if not current_tile.is_transparent():
					next_start_slope = r_slope
					blocked = false
					start_slope = next_start_slope
			elif not current_tile.is_transparent():
				blocked = true
				next_start_slope = r_slope
				_cast_light(map_data, x, y, radius, i + 1, start_slope, l_slope, xx, xy, yx, yy)
		if blocked:

Of note here is a small modification/extension of the original code: the persistent _fov array. I use it here to simplify calculations a bit. It keeps track of which tiles are in view, so the next time we recalculate the field of view we can just ust the _clear_fov() function to go through that array and set all the tiles in it as not in view, completely resetting the field of view. Beyond that the update_fov() function is written in a way that fits the rest of our code, e.g., it has the map_data as an argument.

Now let’s fit this into the rest of the game. As mentioned, this will be called from the Map, so let’s start there. Open, and change the variables section as follows:

@export var fov_radius: int = 8

var map_data: MapData

@onready var dungeon_generator: DungeonGenerator = $DungeonGenerator
@onready var field_of_view: FieldOfView = $FieldOfView

We added an exported variable for the field of view radius, and a reference to our FieldOfView node. Now also add the following function:

func update_fov(player_position: Vector2i) -> void:
	field_of_view.update_fov(map_data, player_position, fov_radius)

So we expect the position of the player (from where we calculate the view), and relay that to the FieldOfView node, supplying the necessary arguments. This means we will need to call that function from In that script, modify _physics_process() as follows:

func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void:
	var action: Action = event_handler.get_action()
	if action:
		var previous_player_position: Vector2i = player.grid_position
		action.perform(self, player)
		if player.grid_position != previous_player_position:

After the player’s action, we update the field of view. However, this only works for updates. We still need an initial field of view for the first turn. So we add another update to the end of the _ready() function:

func _ready() -> void:
	player =, player_definition)

Now we have an initial field of view, and every time an action causes the player to change its position, we update it. You should now be able to run the project and see that you don’s see everything. You should see your immediate surroundings revealed and illuminated, and once you start moving around you should see how it looks when an area is explored but not in view. Now that we have a dungeon and can explore it, we can move on to placing something in it. So in the next part we will look and placing some enemies in the dungeon. You can find that part here: